Full course for just £69.00

Study at your own pace, make changes straight away.

Ready to learn more about the amazing benefits of a whole-food plant-based diet but unsure where to start? This course is for you. 5 modules exploring all aspects of a whole-food plant-based diet, delivered in an accessible and practical way.
Watch Intro Video


Plant-based eating made easy

This five unit course will introduce you to the basics of whole-food, plant-based eating and equip you with the know-how you need to eat well and live well.

Plant-based eating is all the rage and you can see why - it's great for health, the environment and for animals. Whole-food plant based eating is an even healthier and many people are using it to manage, prevent and even reverse health problems. 

But it can be difficult to start especially if you have never explored this way of eating before or are concerned about whether it is for you. And if you are supporting someone who is following this lifestyle, or encouraging clients or patients to make positive lifestyle changes then it can be challenging to find accessible information to share and follow.

Eat Well Live Well Online provides a fantastic introduction to the world of whole-food plant-based eating. Based on the 'live' course I have been successfully running for the last 4 years, this online programme will help you discover fascinating facts and evidence-based information that will reveal just how important the food we it is. 

This course will equip you with simple techniques and hacks to help you make positive, healthful changes whilst eating amazingly tasty food.

What you will get

Over five units you will gain knowledge and confidence about eating a whole-food plant-based diet which will kick-start your own journey to eating great food you love that loves you back. During the course you will gain:

  • A teaching video you can access any time

  • Clear information about what exactly a whole-food plant-based diet is and is not

  • An understanding of the food-health connection

  • A clear understanding of the changes you want to make and why

  • Introductory information about essential nutrition and whole foods

  • A guide to gut health and it's effects on the whole body

  • Worksheets to work through to apply the information to yourself

  • Exclusive recipes each week and a weekly video demonstrating a cooking technique

Who is this course for?

  • Health problem

    If you have a chronic health problem you want to either manage, prevent or even reverse using a diet and lifestyle changes, then this course will give you a great grounding and support you make positive changes.

  • Weight loss

    If you want to lose weight but have found that diets just don't work plus you don't want to miss out on amazingly tasty food then this course will help you never need to 'diet' again.

  • Health professional

    If you are supporting patients to make positive changes to their health you will know that diet is key. This course will help you gain the fundamentals of whole-food plant-based eating and equip you with the ability to support your patients with the why and how to transition to this great way of eating.

  • Cooking for someone with dietary restrictions

    If you have a family member you cook for you has dietary or health problems, then this course will help you gain confidence and skills in creating great food that everyone can enjoy

  • Plant-curious

    If you are interested in changing to a whole-food plant-based diet for a healthier and tastier way to eat, then this course will get you started.

  • Food allergies or intolerance

    If you have to omit certain foods from your diet and have fallen out with eating, then this course will help you explore healing foods and discover great alternatives so you can enjoy mealtimes once more.

  • Trusted information

    If you are confused about plant-based eating or searching for clear and practical information, then this course will be just what you have been searching for.

Who is your teacher?

Karen Lee is 'The Sensitive Foodie' and has been running courses and workshops about eating a whole-food plant-based diet for the last 5 years.

A retired intensive care nurse, she is also a naturopathic nutritionist, enthusiastic home cook, food lover and a published author.

But the key fact you need to know is that Karen uses everything she teaches to manage her own health challenges and food intolerances. The Eat Well Live Well course is packed full of information, top tips, hacks and tried and tested recipes that will empower you to start your own journey to health with every meal.


What people say about the course

An important step on my healing journey

Jana, London

I wanted to find a natural way to heal and continue staying healthy. Therefore, transitioning to a whole food plant based diet has been absolutely essential. It has been a gradual process over the last 5 or so years and I still have a little way to go. However, courses like Eat Well Live Well are important steps on that journey. It reaffirmed the crucial food & health connection and it also gave me some invaluable cooking tips and simple yet delicious and healthy recipes! I only wish the course was running for longer!

Happy with health changes

by Sharon Edmunds, Worthing

“I found Karen’s course inspiring. I loved learning so much about how food affects our bodies and just how easy it is to make tasty and exciting food. From doing the course I have lost 1 1⁄2 stone in weight and have reduced my blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It’s also reversed the early signs of diabetic retinopathy (an eye condition) so I am very happy.”

Positive changes dropped my cholesterol

Julie Mc

I went to one of Karen’s Eat Well Live Well courses earlier this year which was such a treat and for me a life-changer. After the first couple of weeks I changed my diet. I have high cholesterol and what I was learning on the course made me realise I was eating the wrong things. After 3 months my cholesterol levels have dropped from 7.1 to 5.6. I will continue to get it even lower and I know that if I need support Karen and the lovely ladies I met on the course are there to answer any questions.”

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Eat Well Live Well Online

    • Welcome to the course!

  • 2

    Unit one - introducing a whole-food plant-based diet

    • Welcome to week 1

    • Unit one teaching video : What is a whole-food plant-based diet?

    • The 3 N's - normal, natural and necessary

    • The issues around dairy

    • Processing food

    • Potential challenges and obstacles

    • Cooking technique video

    • This weeks recipes

    • Unit one reflection

  • 3

    Unit two - nutrition 101

    • Welcome to week 2

    • Unit two learning session - part one

    • Unit two learning session part 2

    • Plant proteins

    • More information on fats and oils

    • Common nutrients concerns

    • What shall I eat?

    • Rainbow eating

    • Some books to check out

    • This weeks recipes and cooking video

    • Unit 2 reflection

  • 4

    Unit three - Gut health

    • Welcome to week 3

    • Teaching session - gut health

    • Watch this video about the invisible universe of the microbiome

    • The F word - fibre!

    • Where's the fibre?

    • How healthy is your gut?

    • Gut health healing plan

    • Books you might like to read

    • The Sensitive Foodie guide to baking

    • Recipes and cooking video

    • Unit 3 reflection

  • 5

    Unit four - The Food-Health Connection

    • Welcome to week 4

    • Teaching session - the food-health connection

    • Inspiring stories of change

    • Free radicals and anti-oxidants

    • Videos you might want to watch

    • The Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen

    • This weeks recipes and cooking video

    • Unit 4 reflections

  • 6

    Unit five - The Wider Issues of Plant Based Eating

    • Welcome to week 5 - the final week!

    • Teaching session - other issues with whole-food plant-based eating

    • What is a healthy and sustainable diet? The Eat-Lancet Report

    • Introduction to fermented foods

    • The importance of B12

    • The Sensitive Foodie guide to eating out

    • This weeks cooking video and recipes

    • Moving forward - where you are now and what you want to achieve

    • Course evaluation

Book your space now

Start your journey to health with great food and make this year your healthiest year ever.


  • When does the course start?

    You can start this course whenever you are ready.

  • How much time will the course take up each week?

    About 2-3 hours a week in total for the lessons and worksheets. Then however much time you want to spend practicing new recipes and eating great food! Go at the pace that works for you.

  • I am gluten-free - are the recipes suitable?

    All the recipes can be made gluten-free and are adaptable for most food intolerances.

  • I am not a confident cook. Are the recipes easy to follow?

    All the recipes are simple to follow with clear instructions and throughly tested to make sure they work.

  • I am not based in the UK. Can I still do the course?

    Yes! This course is accessible from anywhere.

  • How long do I have to complete the course?

    You have access to the course materials for 90 days, so plenty of time to go at your own pace. If you need more time though, it can be extended on request.